Life Skills and Development Workshops for War and Disaster-Affected Youth in Amparai District.

A program was initiated in Amparai district with the aim of supporting young men and women who were directly and indirectly affected by war situations and disasters. The program had several objectives, including fostering a sense of life among the youth, reintegrating them into society, promoting educational and economic development, enhancing professional skills, and assisting in life choices. The program received financial assistance from WUSC and UNICEF. Here are the key details:

  1. Target Group:
    • The program was targeted at young men and women who were physically and mentally affected by the war situation and disasters.
  2. Program Components:
    • Life skills, personality development, leadership training, building of groups and teams, social welfare, entrepreneurship development, career guidance, milk development, maternity health, and workshops on various topics were included in the program.
  3. Financial Assistance:
    • The program received financial support from WUSC (World University Service of Canada) and UNICEF (United Nations Children’s Fund).
  4. Number of Participants:
    • A total of 226 young women benefited from the program.
  5. Workshop Topics:
    • Workshops covered a range of topics, including war and tsunami-affected people’s social and psychological well-being, conflict resolution, change management, and acceptance. Social problems faced by youth, such as addiction and abstinence from drugs and alcohol, were also addressed.

This comprehensive program reflects a holistic approach to youth development, encompassing various aspects such as education, mental health, social well-being, and career guidance. The support from international organizations like WUSC and UNICEF highlights the collaborative efforts to address the complex challenges faced by young individuals affected by conflict and disasters.

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