
For over 25 years, we have collaborated with numerous donors to enhance the quality of life for the people in our region. A summary of these projects can be found in the table below, representing our history

1995 C.A.A ,NORAD,NETHERLAND EMBASSY Income Generating Project. 1,330,800.00
1996 Q.P.S,H.H.R,DIAKONIA,C.A.A,I.H.R, CANADIAN HIGH COMMISSION,NETHARLAND EMBASSY,NORAD Relief Grant,Grant For Youth, ID Support,Income Generating Project. 1,752,500.00
1997 DIAKONIA,OXFAM,I.H.R,NETHARLAND EMBASSY,NORAD I D Support,Income Generating Project,Housing Project. 3,753,772.00
1998 DIAKONIA,NETHARLAND EMBASSY, UNICEF I D Support,Housing Project, Toilets Project,Income Generating Project. 4,612,788.00
1999 DIAKONIA,OXFAM,HELVETAS ID Support, Wells Project, Water & sanitation Program, Training Program,Income Generating Project. 3,945,853.00
2000 ECHO / ACF,OXFAM,HELVETAS,DIAKONIA, WORLD FOOD PROGRAM,I.H.R,WUSC Water &SanitationProgram,Income Generating Project, Common Wells project, ID Support,Shelter,Training Program, Vocational Training Program 7,683,397.50
2001 UNICEF,WORLD FOOD PROGRAM,WUSC, DIAKONIA,I.H.R,UNICEF,OXFAM,HELVETAS, ALLIANCE LANKA,S.C.N Water & Sanitation Project,Vocational Training Program, C.S.C,ID Support,Income Generating Project, Multi Sectoral Project,Wells Project,Toilets project,HIV / AIDS Training Program ,Children Development program 7,356,746.00
2002 I.H.R,WUSC,DIAKONIA,UNICEF,HELVETAS, OXFAM,SCiSL Income Generating Project,C.S.C,Welding ,ID support, Dropout Children’Temporary Shed,Toilet Project,Water & Sanitation ,Shelter,Training Program 7,109,872.85
2003 I.H.R,WUSC,DIAKONIA,SCISL,HELVETAS, OXFAM,NDTF,UNDP,WUSC Micro Credit,Career Service Center,ID support, Children Development,Toilet Project,Livelihood,Shelter,Water & Sanitation ,Women’s Strengthening,Carpentry 7,926,991.00
2004 DIAKONIA,OXFAM,HELVETAS,NFPO,WUSC, NDTF,USAID,FIT,UNDP,ILO / IPEC ID Support,Liveli hood,Shelter,Water & Sanitation, Toilet,I.T.S,News Letter, Motor Mechanic, Carpentry, Building Furniture, I.G.P,Construction of English Resource Centre, Situuation Analyes,Micro Credit,Vocational Training.         14,020,665.71
2005 CA,CHA,SCISL,OXFAM-Ampara,OXFAMBatti,DCA, NDTF,WUSC,CONSORTIUM,DIAKONIA,HELPAGE, JAPAN EMBASSY,UNHCR,UNDP, UNICEF,  FIT, NECCDEP,GOAL,LONDON-SRILA.DIRECT AID, REVIEW PROJECT,ICEI Clearing work,Permanent Shelter,Tunami Affected Staff,Sewing Machine & Bicycle,PSYCHO Social Programe,Cash for work -Clearing, Pre School Constraction,  Livelihood,Temporary Shelter,Latrine Project,  Livelihood, Shelter, Watsan,Micro Credit,Wall , Micro Credit,Relife to Tsunami Affected,Building Constraction – Motorcycle Repairing,Electrical Wiring, Carpentry,Tsunami Affected Division ,NFRI Item,I D Support,Child Friendly,Children Development,Admin & Training program,Vegetable cultivation,Poultry farm for Youth, Sewing – VT 166,490,891.46
2006 DIAKONIA,CA ,HELPAGE,OXFAM,SCISL, GOAL,UNICEF,WUSC,FIT,NECCDEP,ILO Income Generating Project,Shelter, Livelihood, Public Health Promotion,Water & Sanitation,Partener Support,ID Support,  Basic Education support,Early child hood Development,Vocational Training,       105,270,200.82
2007 CA,DCA,DIAKONIA,HELPAGE,IFRC,ILO,BRC OXFAM,SCISL,FAO,ICEI,NECCDEP,UNICEF,WUSC Shelter,Livelihood,Goat Farming, Water & Sanitation,  ID Support,  Administration,MicroCredit, Vocational Training,Child Production, DRR Programme, Health Education Support,Infrastructure,Carpentary, AC Machanic, Vocational Training.     2,100,320,531.10
2008 Basket Fund (CA,NCA,DCA/FCA,Diakonia) ODW,CA,ILO,Neccdep,OXFAM, WUSC Community Integrated,Livelihood,Education Support, Vocational Training, Infrastructure Disaster Risk Reduction, Development Integrated,Carpentry Furniture, Tractor Reparing ,AC Course, Electrical Wiring       164,090,123.52
2009 LWR, NCA, CA-DRR ,ODW, Neccdep, Diakonia,  CA -Appeal Fund, OXFAM, EU ACAP,  WUSC -Carpentry , WUSC YITP Agriculture Value Chain,Women Empowerment, Vocational Training,Disaster Risk Deduction,Livelihood Education Support, Capacity Building  Integrated Development, Gender and Protection,Conflict Mitigation, Carpentry Furniture         41,424,051.93
2010 Oxfam/EU ACAP, WUSC-YITP, ODW, Diakonia, WUSC – VT Gender and protection, Conflict mitigation, Livelihood, Pubic Health Promotion, Youth Development, Vocational Training,  Capacity Building, Carpentry furniture.         27,704,181.42
2011 ODW, ECHO, EU ACAP, BWG, WUSC, Unicef, CA, ZOA,  LWR,  Diakonia Vocational Training, Livelihood Capacity, Public Health,   Gender and Protection,  Capacity Building  Integrated Development, Agriculture Value Chain, Women Empowerment, Environment protection, Educate for Human Rights,         38,450,333.06
2012  OXFAM/EU ACAP, Diakonia, WUSC, Lutheran World Relief – LWR Vocational Training, Livelihood Capacity,  Gender and Protection, Public health, CBOs Capacity building, Strengthening government mechanism, Women development, Agriculture Value Chain, Environment protection,   Community Infrastructure, 48,758,025.85
2013 Diakonia, LWR, WUSC, Oxfam, SDC, World Vision Vocational Training, Livelihood Capacity,  Gender and Protection, Public health, CBOs Capacity building, Strengthening government mechanism, Women development, Agriculture Value Chain, Environment protection,   Community Infrastructure, Early Childhood Development, Safe Labour Migration. 33,044,644.05
2014 Diakonia,SDC Uplifting socio economic condition  among community, Safe Labour Migration 18,919,965.19
2015 Diakonia,SDC,WUSC, SDDP Uplifting socio economic condition  among community, Safe Labour Migration,Vocational Training Program , Liveligood & Governence 33,699,305.50
2016 SDC, World Vision, WUSC Safe Labour Migration, Pre School Up Grading, GRA Student, Room Attandant -Pottuvil-Singala Medium, Social Marketing , Gest Relasent Agent-wusc, Electrician Course, Social Mobilization 19,426,662.02
2017 SDC, World Vision, WUSC, Handicap, SDDP Safe Labour Migration, GRA Student, Social Marketing , Gest Relasent Agent-wusc, Steward Course, Aluminium Fabricator, Inclusive Economic Development, Liveligood &Governence, 35,954,338.40
2018 SDC, WUSC, Handicap Safe Labour Migration, Vocational Skill Development, Vocational Training Program, Inclusive Economic Development, 17,104,408.00
2019 SDC Safe Labour Migration, Vocational Skill Development 8,045,397.74
2020 Solidarity Center, Women Media Collective , Community Development Service (CDS), SDC, USAID, Vocational skill development, Safe labour Migration, Covid-19 Emergency Response of the Ampara District , Human Trafficking, Migrant society capacity building and Data collection for affected migrant workers, Covid-19 Interim Report 10,211,925.93
2021 Women Media Collective, USAID, Solitarity Center, Community Development Service (CDS), Migrant society capacity building and Human trafficking, Language Skill Training Migrant society capacity building and Data collection for affected migrant workers 1,560,675.00
2022 Community Development Service (CDS), Helvetas, Solitarity Centre Migrant society Capacity Building , Advacasy Programe, Beneficery assement, self employment support, Migration day. 5,876,470.00