Year: 2010

Seminars about Awareness violence against women

Three awareness seminars were organized, bringing together a total of 71 participants. The attendees included members of RDS (Rural Development Society), village-level active women’s group members, village service officers, and officers from Thirukovil Police Women’s Division. The primary objective of these seminars was to establish a unified network among village-level…
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Quarterly Meeting about Water and Health Development Challenges with Health and NGO Officials

A quarterly meeting on public health developments took place, where Health Department Officer Ms. Rajendra and other stakeholders participated. The meeting involved 75 individuals, including officials from the Health Department and Water Supply and Drainage Department, as well as representatives from non-governmental organizations. The primary focus was to discuss challenges…
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Funds Provide 93,250.00 Rupees to 11 Outstanding University Students in Eastern Divisions.

It’s commendable to see efforts being made to improve education through the provision of educational aid funds. Here’s a summary of the key details: Scope of Educational Aid Funds: The action plan for providing educational aid funds covers multiple regions, including Pothuvil, Thirukovil, Karaitivu, Sammanthurai, Kalmunai, Navithanveli, and Alayadivembu. Selection…
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Helped for Farmers to get Loans of 10 Lakh 50 Thousand Rupees.

It’s notable that efforts have been made to improve the livelihoods of displaced people through financial assistance. Here’s a summary of the key details: Beneficiary Selection: Fifty-four selected farmers from the villages of Thangavelayuthapuram and Sagamam were identified to receive support. Financial Assistance Type: The assistance provided to these farmers…
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